JAWA日本アームレスリング連盟は1977年に、前会長 遠藤光男(現名誉会長)が設立し、今年度(令和元年)で43年目を迎えました。この間、世界大会を3回開催し世界チャンピオンを数多く輩出してまいりました。2017年に一般社団法人日本アームレスリング連盟として法人化致しました。そして今年度4月より、私・和佐義文が理事長として、新体制でスタート致しております。新しい連盟役員及び理事は選手経験者を主に構成しまして、選手の意見を連盟の運営に反映させる体制を目指しております。
The Japan Arm Wrestling Association(JAWA) was established in 1977 by former Chairman Mitsuo Endo (now Honorary Chairman). JAWA has reached its 43rd year this year. During this time, we held three World championship and produced many world champions. We incorporated in 2017 as a “general incorporated association Japan Arm Wrestling Association”. And in April this year, I. Yoshifumi, as chairman, started with a new system. The officers and directors of the new association, We selected who have experienced athletes mainly and take the players’ opinions into the association.
List of officers and directors of the association
Arm wrestling is one of the few sports where older people, men and women, and people with disabilities can also play at the same table. JAWA has held many competitions where people with disabilities can participate in the competition for over 30 years. In addition, people with disabilities are also active in the general class of the All Japan Championships and have been ranked high. Some sportsmen have challenged the World Championships for the healthy despite their disability. As a subordinate organization, JAWA is working to establish the Japan Barrier Free Arm Wrestling Federation (JBAF).
画像引用:wikipedia(アサヒグラフ1948年2月18日号 朝日新聞社)
The origin of armwrestling dates back to antiquity and was born around the world. It is said that the battle between native American tribes was also conducted. In Japan, it has been held as “touwan” since the Heian period. It is the reason that it has become popular all over the world that there is no need for places or tools.
Arm wrestling is often thought of as a force-only competition, but it is a sport that has delicate techniques in it. There are many techniques such as the position to hold the hand, the point and direction to put in force. And it is a sport where players with weak power sometimes can win against players with strong power. This is the reason why many people like this sport.
I also have an armwrestling history of 32 years and I am 60 years old. Training has become a daily practice thanks to this sport, and I am able to maintain a healthy and strong body. In recent years, Japan has become an aging society, becoming a working society even as we get older. However, we can not work without maintaining a healthy body. There is a word “lifelong sport” and I think that armwrestling is just such a sport.
I believe that by armwrestling we can cultivate a healthy mind and body and lead a wonderful life. We expect armwrestling to become more active and the competition population to increase. Everyone, please participate in the practice event. Let’s have fun together.
なお、新体制になると同時に世界規模のアームレスリング団体であるIFA(International Federation of Armwrestling)への加盟も果たしました。JAWAはこれから日本国内だけにとどまらず、広く世界への門戸を開く団体であることも目指していきます。
At the same time, we became a member of the International Federation of Armwrestling (IFA), a global armwrestling organization. JAWA aims not only in Japan but also in the world.