
Is arm wrestling push or pull?|Asian medalist armwrestler explains about it

The author, an Asian medalist, answers questions about armwrestling.

The question this time is “Is arm wrestling push or pull?”.

I will tell you the answer.

There is a pulling technique and a pushing technique respectively.

The pulling technique is called “top roll”. And the pushing technique is called “hook”.


This article is published as an article of "Japan Arm Wrestling Association" which is an organization to which world champions Kanai and Yamada belong and also participates in World Games.

Two techniques of armwrestling

First of all, please see this image. The photo on the left is the top roll, and the photo on the right is the hook.

And the red letters are the top roll method, and the blue letters are the hook method.

Then, I will explain these two techniques in order.


Top roll features

Top roll features

In this photo, the top roll is decided in the armwrestling game.

The features of this technique are as follows.

“The technique of lifting the opponent’s fingertips based on the principle of lever”

I will explain the actual method in a little more detail.

Top roll is a technique to lift the opponent’s fingertips using the “principle of the lever” (using the elbow as a fulcrum).

This movement is just like a carpenter’s tool.

Yes, the carpenter’s tool is “nail puller”.

The top roll lifts the opponent’s fingertips in exactly the same way as this nail pulling.

Of course, that alone cannot beat the opponent.

The operating trajectory from the beginning to the end of the top roll is as follows.


Top roll movement trajectory

The “top roll movement trajectory” performs the following three motions in a circular motion.

① Lift the opponent’s fingertips

② Attract the opponent’s fist

③ Roll your fist

Actual video of top roll

Notice the player in the yellow T-shirt in the video. The typical top roll is vividly decided.


Features and methods of hooks

Features and methods of hooks

This photo shows a typical hook in an armwrestling match.

The characteristics of the hook can be simply expressed as follows.

“The technique of winding your wrist and using your opponent’s fist as an underlay”

I will explain the actual method in a little more detail.

Hook movement trajectory

The “hook movement trajectory” performs the following three movements in a circular motion.

① Wind your wrist

② Attract to the back

③ Push down sideways

The impression is that while winding the wrist in the first move, the wrist is slammed vigorously and at the same time the opponent’s fist is used as an underlay.

Then, pull it down toward you as if you were squeezing a rag, and then crush the opponent’s fist sideways.

Actual video of the hook

Pay attention to the player on the right side of the video. The typical hook is brilliantly decided.

For more information

For more information on armwrestling, please see the following article.

Asian medalist armwrestler explains armwrestling techniques (top roll) and training equipment

How to Win in arm wrestling | Asian medalist explains techniques (top roll) and training equipment The author, an Asian Championship medalist in armwrestling, will...